Last year, Athens' increasing economic woes created a fundraising shortage of $4,500 from the $10,000 needed for our annual Fourth of July fireworks show, The Star-Spangled Classic. The resulting cancellation was a surprise; the Classic was a tradition Athens didn't know it was ever in danger of losing. Still, like Whos without presents, we celebrated the Fourth with appropriate gusto and moved on.
Let's all thank goodness that we weren't asked to be so understanding for a second year. Thanks to new and returning sponsors, this year, ACC Leisure Services raised more than $18,000—enough for fireworks, live music and inflatable bounce-houses to fill Bishop Park.
The return is the result of a grassroots effort. Fireworks were cut from the ACC's budget in 2008, and sponsorships waned in the ensuing years. After last year's cancellation, local community leader Joyce Riefsteck contacted Mayor Denson and asserted that the Fourth with no fireworks was “unacceptable, embarrassing and unpatriotic.” In response, the mayor appointed Reifsteck to co-chair a committee tasked with bringing the sparkle back.
In addition to the committee's work, Robin Stevens, chief fireworks fundraiser of ACC Leisure, attributes this year’s fundraising success to the shock of the cancellation itself. “I think the community quickly realized what a tradition this event was,” she says. “It [had] been around for about 30 years, [and] it was missed. Within two months of the cancellation, we had a presenting sponsor, Athens First Bank & Trust.”
More than 10 other sponsors signed on, making it possible for the Classic to add music (courtesy of The Highballs and The Athens Classic City Band), face painting, cupcakes and a Children’s Patriotic Parade, where kids will ride decorated bikes through the park. The parade begins at 6 p.m., and fireworks, once again, go off at dark.
Reifsteck, for one, is pleased. “I'm glad to see patriotism... in full force to make The Star-Spangled Classic possible."