February 8, 1989

William Orten Carlton = ORT

Special Correspondent for Flagpole

My poor beleagured roommate tells me about a previous roommate of his some years ago. "His method of writing," Geoff intoned, "was to sit staring at the typewriter waiting for the words to appear magically all by themselves." As with nearly everything else, though, I use my own method... even if I am a Presbyterian instead (groan optional).

Tonight my only parameters were the need to write a short column, only a couple of hours to do so, and complete sobriety... as I open a diet soft drink, wish me luck.

New bands abound (or should that be "new bounds aband" instead?). Yeah, in the last couple of weeks Magister Ludi and Certified Color Added have appeared on the scene, replete with psuitably psychedelic-lettered posters (psosters?). Both these combos write nearly all their own material, and come highly recommended by Yer Hysterical Author. Go see and be amazed like I was.

On another tack, the question of the week is "why don't you write an interview of us?" This has been posted twice at least, and there simply isn't room either here or in my head this week to accomidate such. We'll have to do with hunt-and-peck, hit-and-miss columny (correct) this time. If any readers have suggestions for things to spill out to the public through this column, warble them at me... I tend to be ubiquitous.

My friend D.J. Hack up in Connecticut said it well. "My life isn't going to be complete until I have visited Athens," he told me over the phone recently. "You have me terminally curious. It must be SOME town if both R.E.M. and the B-52's can come outta there and still leave room for you." Yup, it is. I can't wait for Yon Hack to lighten our shores, and whilst I await that, Ort-advice is simply this: try to be patient with and kind to folks who come here to visit. Turn 'em onto the good bands to see them on the nights they're here. Tell 'em where to get fed properly. Think of how you'd love it if someone took the time to help you if you were visiting Yakima, Washington or someplace equally alien.

Two more thoughts: 1) New R.E.M. 45 out: "Stand/Memphis Train Blues" on Warner Brothers 27688. Great little record (and likely a future collectible). Worth hunting for.

Thought 2) The World's Greatest Radio Program. It's called "WRFC Remembers (What The Others Forget)". Heard Saturday night/Sunday morning from 9:00 P.M. until 1:00 A.M. on WRFC, AM 960 in Athens, host Kurt Wood plays the usual hits, plus oodles of semi-hits and wondrous things nobody else on earth could ever play. Give him a listen and he'll tell you all about the bands that come out of Orwigsburg, PA. (pop. 2,700), and there were several, thank you.

Okay, keep putting up posters so I can keep taking them down out-of-date and we'll all keep on (unfinished thought).


