Stories by Derek Hill

  • Movie Pick

    Out of Step

    Don't believe the negative hype: "John Carter" is a beautifully crafted pulp adventure.

  • Movie Pick

    It Got Serious...

    A Separation is a universal tale of great emotional depth.

  • Movie Pick

    Disguised as Ourselves

    Albert Nobbs never coalesces into the first-class prestige drama it was designed to be.

  • Movie Pick

    Darker Differences

    With A Dangerous Method, Cronenberg may be on his best behavior, but a radicalness hides between the cracks.

  • Movie Pick

    They Had Faces Then

    Cinematic frivolity doesn't come any more genuine than The Artist.

  • Movie Pick

    I Don't Want Your Love

    Shame is aggressively engaging even when it's plummeting into the depths of sexual addiction.

  • Movie Pick

    Exile in Nightmareville

    Young Adult is the best thing Diablo Cody has written so far.

  • Movie Pick

    Miracles? Not in My Neighborhood

    Le Havre is a fleet-footed revelation—charming without being saccharine.

  • Movie Pick

    The Problem of Peace

    Roman Polanski's Carnage serves up thoroughly delightful feel-bad entertainment.

  • Movie Pick

    Mortality as Method

    Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is a meticulously paced Cold War thriller.

Page 8 of 8, showing 10 records out of 150 total, starting on record 141, ending on 150