Photo Credit: Richard Hamm
Daisy Gerow, 9, celebrates winning a stack of books during a Willy Wonka-themed end-of-the-summer party at the Athens-Clarke County Library on Wednesday, July 26.
Hundreds of Athens-area children received a free book this month, thanks to a $3,000 grant from Zombie Donuts & Coffee via the First Book UGA program.
The Athens-Clarke County Library's Summer Reading program invites children from birth to age 11 to attend special events and fill out reading logs to win prizes. Children who read at least 50 books or log at least 25 hours of reading can choose a book as a prize.
"Super readers"—those who read at least 100 books or 50 hours—also received a golden ticket to a Willy Wonka-themed party July 26. Flagpole contributing photographer Richard Hamm was there.
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