Blog posts by Claire Sadar

  • The Religious Left Reminds You to Vote

    Blog: In the Loop


    Laura Mick wants to know what your voting plan is.

    It is 11 a.m. on the bitterly cold Sunday morning prior to the New Hampshire primary, and the 42-year-old Granite State native is carefully navigating the inch of ice on the sidewalks of Manchester’s low-income, heavily immigrant 5th Ward in order to remind its residents to vote. And to remind them that, even if they are convicted felon or haven’t yet registered, they can still vote in the primary. Also, they can get a ride if they need it.

    A canvasser with the New Hampshire Interfaith Action Fund, an affiliate of the Granite State Organizing Project (GSOP), which unities “religious, labor and community organizations rooted in faith and democratic values” and advocates for “policies that will build community across difference and promote a just society for all the people of New Hampshire,” Mick can relate to how tough it is to make it to the polls. 

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