Photo Credit: Mike White
I would like to tell you now about the final concert of Prince Rogers Nelson.
Editor's Note: Reptar guitarist Jace Bartet (pictured below) recently filed a series of behind-the-scenes reports from Bonnaroo. Below is his final transmission. Catch Reptar at Flagpole's AthFest showcase at the Georgia Theatre this Friday, June 21.
All the hoo-ha about the limited potential of the artist to engage the audience at music festivals helps explain why electronic music has thrived in the expansive environs of festivaldom. Electronic music can be readily tweaked and catered to the vast array of music festival sound systems in unique and more direct ways than rock music, in real time. On Saturday, Death Grips (sans drummer Zach Hill), Bjork and Boys Noize all commanded the crowd as well or better than most rock bands I witnessed over the weekend, with minimal live instrumentation (it might sound flippant to call Bjork's set "minimal," considering the 30-odd-piece Icelandic choir that accompanied her on each song, though most of the rest of her music was digitally sourced.)
Editor's Note: Reptar guitarist Jace Bartet (pictured below) recently filed a series of behind-the-scenes reports from Bonnaroo. Catch Reptar at Flagpole's AthFest showcase at the Georgia Theatre this Friday, June 21.
People often ask us what we like playing more: house shows and intimate club gigs, or big festivals and places like the Georgia Theatre. There's no easy answer to this question, because they are extremely different experiences that are each fun in their own right, and I'm grateful to have ever done any of it. One thing that I do enjoy about larger festival crowds is that they are generally devoid of pretension and posing. No one at Bonnaroo seems remotely worried about their cred, and sometimes I'd actually rather see the shirtless fat guy with a "COEXIST" (like the bumper sticker) tattoo on his chest walk into my life than the self-conscious, joyless suburban punk painted into his corner at a lot of dive bars and house shows. Of course I know that nothing is anything all the time, so comparing caricatures sounds a little overly-polarized, but Bonnaroo is an extreme place.
Editor's Note: Reptar guitarist Jace Bartet (pictured below) will be filing behind-the-scenes reports from Bonnaroo all weekend long. Catch Reptar at Flagpole's AthFest showcase at the Georgia Theatre next Friday, June 21.
I left for Bonnaroo independent of my band late Thursday evening, looking forward to an uneventful drive toward the farmland hamjam going down in central Tennessee. Almost immediately upon entering Loop 10, however, blinding rain and crashing trees forced me right back off the highway. Once the storm abated, a super-bright double rainbow high-fived my eyes with its promise of good fortune.
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