Photo Credit: Adam Barnett
After finishing work at 10 p.m. and biking 3.5 miles fast enough to where I could hear my calves scream, I finally made it to the 40 Watt. Frightened Rabbit’s breakout single “Modern Leper,” off the band's album Midnight Organ Flight, rang out all the way down Pulaski Street, and a friendly doorman assured me that this was only the band’s second song. So, I proceeded into the venue to fully encounter the Scottish indie-rockers and a half-full (but densely packed) hall of ecstatic fans.
Since I first downloaded the band’s first two records to my Zune in 2008, I could never determine what differentiated Frightened Rabbit from all the other pop-rock in the industry. What drew so many people to songs that could all serve as themes to the big climax-endings of so many indie romantic comedies?
More after the jump.
Photo Credit: Adam Barnett
As Daniel Pujol and friends continue to work on material to follow up 2012’s United States of Being, they decided to head to the 40 Watt Club on Friday to play with locals Tia Madre and New Madrid. Dotted as it was with couches, tables and chairs, the club’s set-up was a tad surprising given the lineup.
Editor's Note: New Athens resident Adam Barnett is exploring AthFest all weekend long and chronicling his impressions for Flagpole in a series titled Who the Hell Are These Bands?
“Adam Hartbrayker Barnett.” Remember that name, because it’s getting more and more famous by the day. Last night, I recognized four people, and they acknowledged me with at least three minutes of small talk, each. One of them pointed out that my sleeveless shirt and glasses combination differentiates me from the normal Caledonia attendee. What can I say? I’m just a hot bro new to a warm city.
Here’s part two of my Saturday:
Photo Credit: Adam Barnett
It’s a good thing I put on sunscreen today, otherwise I’d look like a total sunburnt loser, and then I’ll never get an Athens girlfriend. Day two of Athfest allows me to explore the festival with a solid amount of daylight left. Daylight means a few things: Older folk, lots of kids, and no vampires. That’s good. So far, I’ve noticed that whoever scheduled AthFest did it with at least two of those things in mind.
Editor's Note: New Athens resident Adam Barnett is exploring AthFest all weekend long and chronicling his impressions for Flagpole in a series titled Who the Hell Are These Bands?
Honestly, I wasn’t at all prepared for my first day at Athfest. I finally managed to get furniture in my apartment after three weeks of spending all my time on an inflatable (but rapidly deflating) couch-bed. And, after moving it, I just wanted to finish up season six of "Lost" for the third time and hit rocks with a shovel in Animal Crossing. But, I didn’t want to be a party pooper, so I trekked over to the festival area, thankfully smelling better than I did the previous night, and I ended up having an awesome time, despite coming home sore and exhausted.
Here’s my Friday recap:
Editor's Note: New Athens resident Adam Barnett is exploring AthFest all weekend long and chronicling his impressions for Flagpole in a series titled Who the Hell Are These Bands?
So, I decided to go to this Music Awards show hosted by Flagpole last night because, in the three weeks since I moved to town from Champaign-Urbana, IL, I’ve invested more time in walking around my Animal Crossing town than I have out in Athens. This could be due to the overwhelming number of events going on every single night; there are just too many options. So, instead of stressing over what I should do each night, I spend hours on my 3DS catching the same rare beetles over and over again so that I can be the richest man in the virtual town of GoofsRUs.
Page 1 of 1, showing 7 records out of 7 total, starting on record 1, ending on 7