After every UGA home football game, Flagpole news intern David Schick will be checking the police blotter to find the weekend's strangest drunken antics. Here's the fourth installment:
Photo Credit: David Schick
Over a dozen protesters rallied outside U.S. Rep. Paul Broun's Atlanta Highway district office Friday to voice their grievances about the government shutdown.
Jimmy Eat World and Matt Pond played an all-ages concert at the Georgia Theatre last night. After the jump, check out a couple more photos from the show.
It looks like death row inmate Warren Hill is now out of options for avoiding execution. The U.S. Supreme Court decided today that it would not consider a petition from Hill’s lawyer, Brian Kammer, to admit evidence of his mental retardation.
After every UGA home football game, Flagpole news intern David Schick will be checking the police blotter to find the weekend's funniest drunken antics. Here's the third installment:
After every UGA home football game, Flagpole news intern David Schick checks the police blotter to find the weekend's funniest drunken antics. Here's the second installment:
After every UGA home football game, Flagpole news intern David Schick will be checking the police blotter to find the weekend's funniest drunken antics. Here's the first installment:
Photo Credit: David Schick
When three Cedartown locals set out to make their first feature-length indie movie, they dropped everything they were doing to make it happen.
After two years and practically no budget (less than $3,000 later), Benjamin Roberds, Jordan Reyes, and Tylar Carver, finished their film "A Plague So Pleasant," which is a fresh take on the zombie apocalypse.
Flagpole caught up with the intrepid trio this past weekend at the Dragon Con film festival.
Photo Credit: David Schick
And this year's con comes to an end... Now it's time to start planning for next Dragon Con. I've already stared working on my costume.
I've captured a lifetime of moments from this past Labor Day weekend. I've literally slept for no more than nine hours since Thursday. Needless to say, since I'm not the engergizer bunny, my brain is fried and not very good for word making.
So, for now, enjoy these photos.
Photo Credit: David Schick
It took me six hours to come up with that headline.
I'm merging into day two of Dragon Con, and it's fair to say that my thought process has become non-existent. I'm surviving solely on my nerd instincts and a truck load of vanilla lattes.
It's hard to believe that I've been here a mere 63 hours (yes, I had to count that on my fingers). And only seven of those hours could be considered "down time." For those who've never been to Dragon Con, it's a well known fact that there's no sleeping at the Con—just trust me, there isn't. As I write this, it's 5:49 in the morning.
Photo Credit: David Schick
Every year for nine years, I've been going to this massive nerd gathering in Atlanta.
Also known as Dragon Con, the all-encompassing sci-fi/fantasy convention, it is an experience like no other. While I've written many words on the subject, I still find it difficult to accurately describe — it feels like home.
A Fulton County Superior Court judge ruled this afternoon in favor of Warren Hill—a mentally disabled man convicted of murder in 1990—granting him an indefinite stay of execution.
Prosecutors said they will appeal the decision. Hill’s execution, which is scheduled for Friday evening, could still take place if the Georgia Supreme Court overturns the ruling.
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