Photo Credit: Emuel Aldridge
John Conaway, a skilled and popular local tree service operator, fell to his death Wednesday, Oct. 4 while working on Holman Avenue. A limb to which he had attached his safety rope broke off and carried him down with it.
After a somewhat convoluted hearing in Athens-Clarke County Municipal Court Monday afternoon, Judge Leslie Spornberger Jones found William Orten Carlton guilty of two counts of probation violation and ordered that he remain on probation for another month while he finishes cleaning up his property.
Below, the observations of two UGA retirees who attended Tuesday’s UGA-Aon Hewitt meeting at the Classic Center, held to explain the new retiree health benefits.
Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones
William Bell, a retired UGA research assistant, speaks to University System Associate Vice Chancellor Karin Elliott at a Friday meeting at Masters Hall.
A standing-room-only-plus-overflow crowd of UGA retirees, employees and family members showed up for a 10 a.m. Friday, Apr. 3 information meeting in Masters Hall at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education on campus.
Philip Lee Williams, the prolific and multidimensional local writer, will be honored Sunday in his nearby hometown of Madison, GA, just down Hwy. 441 south of Athens.
I didn't expect much from a play about a mathematition losing his mind while his family tries to cope, but I didn't count on what a good playwright, interpreted by fine acting, can do to elucidate the human condition and hold your attention all the way through. Proof, as directed by Beth Kozinsky, moves nimbly from scene to scene on a finely designed and eminently workable set, with just the right amount of music to carry us through.
Photo Credit: Richard Piotrowski
The Jesters filled the stage at The Georgia Theatre Friday night without Harold Williams but with his son, Ben, and other friends.
The Jesters sold out the the Georgia Theatre Friday night, May 30, and they filled up the stage in their farewell performance after 50 years of bringing musical delight to their fans, many of whom have been with them since high school. The show raised a phenomenal $41,000, according to Jester Donny Whitehead, who spearheaded the effort. Proceeds go to fellow Jester Harold Williams, the popular musician/CPA debilitated by a paralyzing fall in November.
Kevin Dahl stopped by the Flagpole office Tuesday to tell us about his walk across America to raise awareness of healthy living.
Gov. and Mrs. Nathan Deal attended the Town & Gown performance of Savoring the Brew, A Taste of Shakespeare's Women Saturday evening. Their daughter, Mary Emily O'Bradovich, is one of the playwrights who created the play, taken entirely from Shakespeare's lines for the female characters in his plays. In this picture are (left to right) Mary Emily O'Bradovich, Gov. Deal, the actresses Brittanny Krause, Kris Schultz and Danielle Bailey Miller and the director, Dillon Nelson.
The Athens-Clarke County Fire Department evacuated the 909 Broad apartments downtown after a fire broke out this morning in the building's parking deck.
Participants and spectators enjoyed a day and a half of homage to the personalities of the local law.
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Participants and spectators enjoyed a day and a half of homage to the personalities of the local law.