Former Florida congressman, tea party star and retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel Allen West was at the University of Georgia on Tuesday to talk about “the war on radical Islam,” embracing President Trump’s travel ban from certain Muslim nations while criticizing U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East dating back to the 1970s.
West began by reading 1786 letter written by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson about the Barbary Pirates off North Africa to describe a long, contentious relationship between America and Islam.
This was part of a highly-rehearsed presentation, noted one student who said he has seen West speak before. West was “painting a picture of ‘us versus them’” by tracing the history of an entire religion back to terrorist group, the student said, and criticized him for seeming to lump all Muslims into the “extremist category.”
West disagreed—it’s they who paint this picture, he said. “I’m not making any of this up. We’ve been dealing with this since 1786.”
Photo Credit: Tifara Brown/Facebook
University of Georgia police were contacted Sunday afternoon after visitors on UGA’s North Campus noticed that an exterior glass door had been shattered at the African Studies Institute in the Holmes-Hunter Academic Building, named for the two black students who integrated the university in 1961.
According to a statement released by UGA police, “the door was found to have damage to the lower half, consistent with being kicked.” The reporting officer contacted UGA Facilities Management Department to secure the door and clean up the glass. There was no other damage to the building.
Diversity and inclusion in the student body and various academic disciplines and research initiatives will be the University of Georgia’s priorities, UGA President Jere Morehead said Wednesday during his annual State of the University address.
Of all the achievements and awards the university has earned over the past year, receiving the INSIGHT Into Diversity Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award exemplified that “diversity and inclusion are core values of this university,” Morehead said. “We will continue to provide support and resources here to become even more connected.”
In order to help recruit students from different financial backgrounds, Morehead introduced the Georgia Commitment Scholarship Program, a scholarship matching program that would generate 400–600 new need-based scholarships. Any gifts in the amount of $50,000, $75,000 or $100,000 will be matched by the UGA Foundation. As these endowments grow, so will the size of the scholarship award.
Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones
Jesse Houle fires up the crowd at the City Hall before the march starts.
On an unseasonably warm night for mid-January, a makeshift band, giant bird puppets and a crowd of thousands gathered around Athens City Hall in protest of newly inaugurated President Donald Trump, filling in every inch of space from Washington Street to Hancock Avenue and from College Avenue to the City Hall doors.
At what might be the largest march in Athens history, the Day of Resistance drew an estimated 2,500–4,500 attendees, according to Athens for Everyone, who helped organize it.
While the march was organized in response to the inauguration of Trump, it was not specific to one cause. Speakers included representatives from U-Lead Athens, an organization for undocumented students; The Cottage, a nonprofit that assists sexual assault survivors; Students for Justice in Palestine and Athens for Everyone.
Photo Credit: Austin Steele
Local artist Harold Rittenberry speaks at the dedication for a gate he designed at Brooklyn Cemetery.
After spending hours Monday morning morning working to restore Brooklyn Cemetery—a historic African American cemetery located behind Clarke Middle School and Holy Cross Lutheran Church—volunteers dedicated a new cemetery gate designed by noted local artist Harold Rittenberry.
To honor the over 660 volunteers who have worked to restore the cemetery since the restoration project began in 2006, the Friends of Brooklyn Cemetery—along with volunteers, county commissioners, representatives from the University of Georgia and the Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation—gathered to receive an official proclamation from UGA President Jere Morehead. The proclamation recognizes the efforts of volunteers and stated a “deep and abiding appreciation” for those who have worked to preserve rich cultural significance of the cemetery.
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