Will Eskridge's "Wolf City"
The 2016 Bulldog Inn Annual Bi-annual has been postponed until later this fall. Launched in 2010 as a venue for experimentation and alternative art, the one-night event transforms ordinary bedrooms into multifaceted installations dreamed up by local artists.
Originally scheduled for Friday, Apr. 22, the event was later moved to Wednesday, May 11 in hopes of accommodating more artists. Due to growing construction in Athens, however, the iconic motel on Commerce Road is currently occupied by long-term residents, making it impossible to reserve enough rooms.
“We had more than twice the amount of artists apply this year, 42, which is really exciting. But they could only provide us with 13 rooms,” said co-organizer Michael Oliveri in an email to artist applicants. “We want to maintain the format of open acceptance; not editing or curating, which is what made it so unpredictable and special in the past.”
Deposit fees will be refunded within the next few days, and all applicant names will be kept on file for fall. In addition to securing as many rooms in advance as possible, organizers plan to fill the parking lot with large tents and moving trucks in order to accommodate all artists. Here’s to hoping that artists will take advantage of this extra time to materialize their visions.
Adrienne Hamil performs in Rebecca Cash's installation