After hearing a rumor was flying around town that Hendershot's Coffee Bar had found a new home, we got Seth Hendershot himself on the horn to confirm, which he did. After being pushed from its current tenancy on Oglethorpe after some contentious negotiations, the beloved venue for local music is taking the place of A Tavola in the Bottleworks, which recently closed and is moving to an undisclosed new location in September, according to a sign posted on the door.
The bigger space will allow for bigger acts, including some Hendershot describes as "seminational," and the enhanced kitchen equipment, which is part of the deal, will let Ivey Hughes expand the eats available. The last show is booked for the Oglethorpe location on June 16, with an open-mic night June 17, after which the place will continue to serve coffee (etc.) while slowly moving to its new digs, where it should be up and running by June 30 (knock wood).
The space comes with parking in the Bottleworks lot and, in a smart move, a back entrance, easily accessible from the lot, above which will hang the current rusty sign with the name.