June 24, 2014

Mama's Boy to Open New Restaurant in 909 Broad Building

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After Mama's Boy moved to an all-brunch/breakfast format, appreciators of everything else the restaurant had to offer were left to mope around, sampling its various offerings at hipster weddings the business catered.

That catering business has been expanding significantly, which led to the decision to rent the bottom corner space of the 909 Broad building for an as-yet-unnamed second restaurant/catering space/rental facility.

Co-owner Cooper Currin says the new place will focus on lunch during the work week to start out: "The 909 will have a menu based on our lunch and lunch catering menu. Soups, salads, sandwiches and a nice variety of Jeff and Colin's specials. The menu will be laid out in the format of unicycle (1 choice), bicycle (2 choices) and tricycle (3 choices)."

Currin expects it to be up and running in the fall for sure, with a slight chance things will be squared away by August. Flagpole suggested "Daddy's Girl" as a name, to which Currin responds, "I liked Daddy's Girl until I started picturing a strip club." Fair point there.

What does this new restaurant mean for Weaver D's, across the street? Time will tell.
