March 17, 2012

SXSW: Saturday Afternoon (Clear Eyes, Full Hearts . . .)

Doomtree and Nicolas Jaar

After putting it off, and putting it off, and putting it off, I finally made it to a Doomtree show on Saturday. This absolutely killer hip-hop collective out of Minneapolis is rising fast, but is still woefully under the radar as compared to, say, the overexposed and under-talented Odd Future crew. Comprised of MC's P.O.S., Cecil Otter, Dessa, Sims, and Mike Mictlan, and beatmeisters Lazerbeak and Paper Tiger, Doomtree traffics in exceedingly intelligent, socially conscious raps and old-school, funkily danceable beats. The five rhymers traded verses and jokes with a tight-knit, familial familiarity, and even came down into the crowd a couple of times to start dance parties whilst they spat (when was the last time you saw that happen outside of a Dan Deacon show?). Bouncing around an abandoned warehouse that felt like an oven by set's end, these guys were still full of energy despite going hard all week (they played shows nearly ever day) making their Austin farewell an absolute blast.

Though I can't tell you what he looks like, or how he created his music, sitting outside the Fader Fort (which I have personally re-dubbed the Hater Fort as I was unable to get in all week) on an old stone wall listening to Nicolas Jaar's dark, sound monoliths blossom out into the overcast Texas sky ended up being one of my favorite shows of the festival. Jaar's dark atmospherics, heavy guitar swells, and eerie sample choices would all sound perfectly at home on a Godspeed You Black Emperor! record, but he constructs everything over a pulsing, rhythmic current that might not necessarily encourage the tail-shakers in the crowd, but could definitely soundtrack some emotional, hold-me-tight slow dancing between SXSW lovers saying their last goodbyes. People-watching and cloud-watching, I was almost glad to be listening from the other side of the wall, saying goodbye to Texas in my own way.

This will be my last post from Austin as I'll be on the road for 17 straight hours starting early tomorrow morning (crosses self), but be sure and check back Monday for reviews of Saturday night's showcases and my festival wrap-up!
