January 21, 2015

The Powder Room Suffers Van Fire, Equipment Loss

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Photo Credit: via Facebook

After suffering the major indignity of having a van full of gear stolen on the mean streets of Chicago last year, Athens rockers The Powder Room rallied strongly. Most recently, they released their debut album, Curtains, had it pressed to vinyl, enlisted longtime Athens drummer Patrick Ferguson and headed out of town a couple of weeks ago for a short tour.

Things were going swimmingly until the morning of Sunday, Jan. 18. The band was just about to pull out of Chapel Hill, NC and head home when their van literally burst into flames mere seconds after starting.

Although quick thinking led to a good portion of gear being saved from destruction, they still lost an amplifier and two 4 x 12 speaker cabinets, at least one of which was vintage. The van was a total loss, too. All told, several thousand dollars went up in flames in a matter of minutes.

The Powder Room will play a benefit show next Tuesday, Jan. 27, at the Caledonia Lounge with Vincas and more TBA. Other ways you can help are purchasing Curtains digitally or in LP form via Bandcamp or dropping a few bucks via PayPal to [email protected].

The band also plays Feb. 27 at the Caledonia Lounge with Cinemechanica and Big Jesus.
