Knox White.
Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.
1. Knox White
The mayor of Greenville, SC, showed us how it's done when the Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation took a field trip there last month.
2. "Party Down South"
The CMT reality show, filmed in Athens, enthralled our city even though it's contrived, unfunny, horribly depressing and doesn't really have anything to do with Athens.
3. Kirk Smith
4. Rick Fowler
The local musician sadly suffered a stroke recently. Fortunately, he is receiving treatment through the Affordable Care Act and hopes to recover (and get back to playing) in the coming months.
5. #FAMAs
Jay Gonzalez, Monsoon, Family and Friends, Four Eyes, Hand Sand Hands and Blacknerdninja are playing the Flagpole Athens Music Awards Thursday, June 19 at the Morton Theatre, and Music Editor Gabe Vodicka desperately wants you to tweet it using this hashtag.