May 11, 2015

Athens Power Rankings for the Week of May 11


Georgia Republican Party Chairman John Padgett.

Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who's hot? Who's not? Find out below.

1. John Padgett

Keep your kids inside this weekend—Padgett, the state GOP chairman, is bringing Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and thousands of other Republicans to Athens for a convention. See this week’s City Dope for a preview, and keep an eye out for more coverage online and in print.

2. Clarke Central parents

Since undocumented immigrants can’t attend UGA or other elite Georgia public universities, a group of local parents started a scholarship fund to help them go out of state. Read more in Wednesday’s Flagpole.

3. Orange Twin

Sunday’s Elephant 6 showcase—headlined by Neutral Milk Hotel—at the Orange Twin compound was everything that’s beautiful about Athens.

4. Chickens

You’re so very close to being able to own them. Want to but not sure how? We’ve got a guide to raising backyard chickens coming soon.

5. Keith Plummer

The local filmmaker’s documentary about the Morton Theatre premieres next week. Check back Wednesday for more.
