July 19, 2013

Broun Blasts Common Core, 'Fat Cat Bureaucrats'


Rep. Paul Broun (R-Athens) tapped into growing tea party paranoia over the Common Core public school curriculum by including "language challenging the use of Common Core" in an education bill the House passed today.

An amendment to the Student Success Act (a proposed successor to No Child Left Behind) sponsored by the Senate candidate would also require the Department of Education (which Broun wants to abolish) to report to Congress employees' average salaries by function.

“While I have long believed that our federal government should not have a role in education, I voted in support of this bill because it empowers our states and lessens the impact of Common Core, which I have consistently opposed,” said Rep. Broun. “While I believe that this bill is a step in the right direction, I remain concerned about the blatant overreach of the federal government in our education system, placing mandate after mandate upon school systems in Georgia. The final say on education issues shouldn’t be given to fat-cat bureaucrats in Washington, many of whom have never taught a child to read. Instead, this power should be given to those who know the students, their families, and their teachers best: state and local governments. It’s time we get the federal government’s shackles off of our teachers, so we can have a world class educational system here in Georgia.”

Common Core was actually developed by the states, including Georgia, and is supported by that Marxist Gov. Nathan Deal.

Oh, and speaking of fat cats, the average DOE salary is $101,000. Congressman make $174,000.
