February 24, 2014

Clarke Students Unlikely to Make Up Snow Days


Clarke County School District students will not make up five recent snow days, the district announced this afternoon, but employees will have to work two extra days, assuming the school board follows Superintendent Philip Lanoue's recommendation.

From CCSD spokeswoman Anisa Sullivan Jimenez:

Thanks for your patience as Dr. Lanoue and the Board have been discussing make-up days due to recent inclement weather. We received guidance from the state late last week.
For students: As the state of Georgia has granted school districts flexibility, Dr. Lanoue is recommending to the Board that students not make up the dates we were out for inclement weather. Previously scheduled testing dates will remain.
For employees: All employees will make up two of the five days we were out, pending Board approval. This various by type of employee. For example, teachers will have two extra days at the end of the school year. Year-round employees will now have to work the Friday of Spring Break.
Per Dr. Lanoue, we will not make up 3 days because employees already work well beyond normal business hours.

The University of Georgia's makeup days are Mar. 22 and 29.
