U.S. Rep. Doug "Mic Drop" Collins (R-Gainesville).
Incumbent 9th District congressman Doug Collins trounced former Rep. Paul Broun in yesterday's Republican primary—a race in which Collins did not hesitate to throw Broun's troubled ethical past in his face, while Broun labeled Collins an establishment lackey.
Well, Collins was not exactly magnanimous in defeat. Here's the victory statement issued by his campaign last night (emphasis mine):
“I’m humbled and honored to be entrusted again to represent the voice of this district. I wake up every day committed to standing up for our deeply rooted values, curtailing the liberal agenda that seeks to weaken those values, and leaving this nation better for my children” said Collins. “Fighting Washington’s business-as-usual is no easy task, but I will never give up the fight.”
Today’s victory shows that consistent and effective representation trumps slanderous attacks made by failed career politicians. Doug Collins will continue his trusted style of leadership and service as the Congressman of Georgia’s 9thDistrict.
Broun ran unsuccessfully for federal office three times before winning the 10th District seat in 2007, and he's now run unsuccessfully twice since opting to leave that seat, so I doubt he'll get the message, but consider this a warning from Collins to stay the hell away from the 9th.