March 6, 2017

Four Drive-Bys and a Shooting Death Happened Over the Weekend

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A woman's ex-husband shot and killed her boyfriend during a drunken argument on Linda Avenue Sunday night.

Tommy Lee Morris, 53, had been drinking at a nightclub and started to argue about the woman with Tony Curtis Foster Jr., 43, according to police. Morris went to his car, got what police described as an "assault-style rifle" and shot Foster several times. He then moved closer to the victim and shot him again while standing over him, police said.

Foster was dead when police arrived at about 10:30 p.m.

Shortly after, police found Morris hiding in the woods near the scene. He is being held at the Clarke County Jail on a charge of aggravated assault. [Update: The jail log lists aggravated assault as the only charge, but according to police spokesman Epifiano Rodriguez, Morris has been charged with murder as well.)

In addition, Athens-Clarke County police reported four drive-by shootings over the weekend:

• On Friday around 7 p.m., Coleridge Court residents reported that 10–15 shots were fired. No one was injured, and no property was damaged.

• On Saturday at about 4 p.m., officers were again dispatched to Coleridge Court, where a woman was armed with a gun. They found a woman they believed could be a suspect, but her car windshield had been hit by a gunshot while she and her child were in the car. No one was injured.

• On Sunday at about 2:30 a.m., an Onyx Place resident told police she had been awakened by a loud noise and found 10 bullet holes and debris in her apartment.

• About 3:30 a.m. Sunday, a Stonehenge resident was awakened by the sound of gunfire. Officers found two bullet holes in the living-room windows. Two people who were watching TV told police they saw headlights, then heard three gunshots and a car speeding off. No one was injured.

Police said they haven't determined if these incidents were related, but the investigation is ongoing.
