A Georgia Republican Party official told Oconee County Republicans that the GOP will continue to win elections because Democratic women "forgot to reproduce," and "Christian and conservative women" are having more children.
Brant Frost V, the party's second vice-chair, claimed at an Oconee GOP meeting last month that Republicans have a 35 percent "fertility advantage" over Democrats.
According to Lee Becker at Oconee County Observations:
“The other side has a culture of death,” Frost said. “We have a culture of life.”
Frost claimed that “Christian and conservative women have a 35 percent fertility advantage over Democrat women. And the more conservative a woman is, the more likely she is to be married and have a lot of kids–three, four, five, six kids.
“And the more liberal and leftist a woman is,” Frost claimed, “the less likely she is to even be married and have any children at all.
“You cannot sustain a movement without families,” Frost said. “Thirty years from now, 20 years from now even, that rate will be so amazing that you will see an explosion, a reawakening just like you saw in the 1970s with the Jesus movement.
“You will see an awakening of traditional values,” Frost said. “It is already beginning to happen.”
Frost said “they” have lots of things, such as control over the institutions, the universities and Hollywood “But they forgot to reproduce. They forgot to have babies. And we didn’t.”
“In 20 years, we’re going to inherit those institutions,” Frost said. “These institutions are going to have a sharp swing to the right. Nobody’s going to know why. But we know why. We had the kids and they didn’t.
“The future belongs to us, folks,” Frost said.
Oconee GOP chairman Steven Strickland called Frost's presentation "amazing."
Democratic Party of Georgia spokeswoman Maggie Chambers told the AJC that Frost epitomized how state Republican officials see women.
“Brant Frost said out loud what the Georgia GOP has already made clear with their backwards policy agenda—they only value women for their ability to reproduce,” she said. “Georgia women know their worth and will show up to vote them out.”
Republican public service commissioner Tim Echols seemed to contradict Frost's ideas, telling Oconee Republicans at the same meeting that there are "a lot of very liberal kids" at the University of Georgia.
Echols also encouraged party members to elevate anti-abortion and pro-gun rights women to positions of power.