March 11, 2013

Karl Rove Is Coming to Athens


Republican strategist Karl Rove is headlining the Georgia GOP convention, scheduled for May 17–18 at the Classic Center. From the AJC:

“He’s a good speaker whether you agree with him or not,” (party chairwoman Sue) Everhart said. She approached the former political aide to President George W. Bush after learning he’d be in town for a fundraiser for Secretary of State Brian Kemp that same May 17-18 weekend.

Artur Davis of Virginia and former congressman Allen West of Florida, both African-American Republicans, will also speak that weekend.

But it is Rove’s appearance that is likely to spark controversy. The GOP race to replace U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss should be in full swing by then. 

Rove's latest endeavor is the Conservative Victory Project, a Super PAC that will funnel money to "electable" Republican candidates during primary races in an effort to keep the Todd Akins of the world off the November ballot. That puts him at the forefront of the establishment movement to stop our very own Paul Broun, whose extreme statements will come back to haunt him in a general election, many Republicans fear.
