October 31, 2014

Oconee Liquor Supporters Won't Admit They Support Liquor

liquor by the drink.jpg

Photo Credit: Lee Becker

Oconee County voters who want to improve the quality of life in the county, enhance the county’s infrastructure and spur economic development should vote Yes on Referendum 2 on Nov. 4, according to advertisements in Thursday’s editions of both of the county’s weekly newspapers.

Voting for the referendum will make sales tax revenue go up and property taxes go down, the half-page advertisement in The Oconee Enterprise claims.

The full-page advertisement in The Oconee Leaderstates that Referendum 2 will increase funding for water and sewer services and for public works, i.e., roads and bridges.

Referendum 2 will increase funding for parks and recreation, the advertisements in both papers assert.

Neither advertisement mentions what Referendum 2 actually is about, and voters might think they are being asked to vote for the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, which is on the Nov. 4 ballot.

If approved, the 1 percent sales tax will generate funds designated for the county’s parks, for water and sewer projects, for roads and bridges, and for economic development.

Referendum 2, however, is for liquor by the drink.

To continue reading, visit Oconee County Observations.
