The State Ballet Theatre of Russia performs Sleeping Beauty.
First premiered in 1890 in St. Petersburg, Russia, Sleeping Beauty is the second of composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s three beloved ballets—the first being Swan Lake and the third being The Nutcracker, which the State Ballet Theatre of Russia performed in town last month. Based on the Brothers Grimm version of Charles Perrault’s La Belle au bois dormant, Sleeping Beauty follows the story of Princess Aurora, who falls into a 100-year slumber on her 16th birthday by the curse of evil fairy Carabosse, and must be awakened by the kiss of handsome Prince Désiré. With a company of 60 dancers, the production features lavish sets, beautifully detailed costumes and authentic choreography by Yury Grigorovich, the artistic director of Moscow’s Bolshoi Ballet. The Performing Arts Center will present a free lecture 45 minutes prior to each performance. Each performance begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $50-60.