Melissa Crowe
Lucid and unpretentious, Melissa Crowe's poems collected in her new book Girl, Giant startle, sparkle, amuse, bite, remind, observe, worry, invite, promise, struggle, lament, love, linger. Crowe introduces us to joyfully outrageous uncles, describes the delicate balance held between "this bad Eleanor" and "this good Eleanor," invites her love to "be clowns to one another," catalogues bad dreams in "Love Song with Generalized Anxiety Disorder," and writes with tender, aching awareness of the passing of time. A native of Maine with a MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College and a Ph.D. in English from UGA, Crowe now lives in Asheville, NC. She edits at Beloit Poetry Journal. Local poet Becca Myers will also read from her recent work in this installment of the Avid Poetry Series. This free event begins at 6:30 p.m. [Gay Griggs McCommons]