March 19, 2014

"The Bulldog Inn Art Show"

Thursday, Mar. 20 @ The Bulldog Inn

An installation by Taryn Kelly

Created five years ago by artist Michael Oliveri, an associate professor in the Art-X department at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, "The Bulldog Inn Art Show" originated as a required class project for undergrad students studying hypermedia. No longer mandatory, the show has expanded to include graduate students and non-student artists alike. Artists have between check-in and show time to transform their hotel rooms into whatever environments they dream up, creating a surreal series of immersive, often bizarre installations. "Maisie Thompson's pool inside a room was great. The room was filled with an above-ground pool complete with a life raft built out of 50 gallon drums and pallets that visitors were invited to paddle," says Ted Kuhn of a former installation. He participates in and helps organize the show each year. For Jaime Bull's aquatic environment, Kuhn says, "Visitors donned an oversized papier-mâché diver's helmet as they entered the aqua-tinged room, where they were greeted by two very charming twin mermen smoking cigars." This free event is from 9 p.m.–1 a.m.
