Jamie Calkin
In a creative project that pairs environmental stewardship with neighborhood beautification, the ACC Stormwater Management Program and ACC Water Conservation Office co-present the fifth annual Roll Out the Barrels silent auction. Twenty ordinary rain barrels were transformed into functional pieces of art by local artists, including Jamie Calkin, Mike Groves, Lorenza Chico Rozier, Dan Smith and Lily Swindle. Effective at reducing water pollution by collecting stormwater before it becomes runoff, rain barrels are also cost-effective methods for nourishing gardens. The silent auction will offer snacks from Last Resort and live music by BorderHop Five. Proceeds benefit the Athens Green School Program, an initiative that promotes environmental education.
4–7:30 p.m. · FREE! · www.athensclarkecounty.com/3018/Roll-Out-the-Barrels