Rob Spillman
Rob Spillman’s Spotify playbook for his memoir, All Tomorrow’s Parties, includes the eccentric surrealist composer Erik Satie along with the Sex Pistols. Parties chronicles Spillman, editor of Tin House, as he searches to find his place in the world and the arts. His reading would be reason enough to head over to the next New Town Revue at Avid Bookshop. Add Garrard Conley reading from Boy Erased, his memoir about growing up the son of a Baptist preacher and being put into a gay conversion-therapy program, and the music of Erin Lovett of Four Eyes, and you’ve got one hot ticket. What costume will the poor girl wear?
(Prince Ave.) New Town Revie co-director Al Dixon presents a selection of the best essays he's ever received in his English 1101 classes.