Since the historic election of aspiring strongman and white-nationalist icon Donald Trump to the highest office in the land, citizen donations to civil-rights organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union have reportedly skyrocketed. Three Athens groups are getting in on the action by playing a benefit show for the ACLU’s Georgia chapter on Friday. Sugary folk-pop act Whisper Kiss, which features members of Abbey Road Live, will perform, as will seasoned guitarist Caroline Aiken and Honeychild, a band led by singer-songwriter SJ Ursrey. Honeychild’s two albums—2013’s American Beach and last year’s Surrender—showcase her aesthetic and stylistic range.
WHISPER KISS Acoustic project featuring Michael Wegner, Shelley Lotus and Karen Bergmann. See Calendar Pick on p. 20.
CAROLINE AIKEN Aiken's bluesy voice and masterful technique guarantee a hypnotic performance.
HONEYCHILD SJ Ursrey (Dream Boat) plays folky pop songs with romantic themes.