What began as a DIY-rooted experimental event has grown into a full-day aural and visual festival with 20 musical acts, 10 performance art pieces and five installations. Performers were given the themes “movement, continuity, perpetuity, development over time, departure from segmentation and departure from traditional delivery.” In addition to stalwarts like Killick Hinds, Vernon Thornsberry, New Madrid and Salsa Chest, the evening includes a drone-driven interactive performance by Robbie Cucchiaro (The Music Tapes) and Laura Carter (Elf Power), Mongolian throat singing by Aaron Fu and an AV screening by photographer Ben Rouse. Solo projects include Isaak Pancake (Garrett Burke of Art Contest), SU SU (Clark Brown of Juan de Fuca) and CIVILS (Drew Kirby of New Wives/Mothers). Proceeds will benefit The Cottage Sexual Assault Center and Children’s Advocacy Center.
MUSIC: Aaron Fu, Bartus & Vogt, Bryan & Will, CIVILS, Fuiste, Immaterial Possession, Killick Erik Hinds, Lt. Ludes, New Madrid, Nifty Emitter, Nu Depth, Isaak Pancake, Robbee & Laura, Sludge Country, Smokefrog, SU SU, Tom Visions, Vernon Thornsberry Band, Walking In The Air, WEAST
PERFORMANCE: Ashley Starnes & Catherine Rush, Being a Bean, Bjørn Veno, DJ Di, Kelly Petronis, L’Or, Maya Rae, Mr. E, Salsa Chest, Sovereign Platypus
INSTALLATION: Courtney McCracken, Dylan Mulshine, Kellyann McMahon, Laura & Eddy, Logan Shyrah
SCULPTURE: Addison Adams, Emily Green, Jeremy Kiran Fernandes, Justine Stevens, Nicole Brooks
An all-day event featuring 35-plus musicians, performance artists and visual art masters birthing new forms of live music, acting, speech, installation and procedural creation. See Calendar Pick on p. 14.