Though its soaring, melodic instrumentals have frequently been used on screen to signify various emotional and physical extremes, Austin, TX band Explosions in the Sky makes music that is often as intimate as it is epic. After spending a few years focusing mainly on movie soundtrack work, the group returned in 2016 with new album, The Wilderness. Rather than seek constant catharsis, the record finds its center in long stretches of slow-burning intrigue. Indie-rock celebrity Thor Harris, best known for his percussion work with Swans, opens both nights of Explosions’ Georgia Theatre stand with his shapeshifting Thor and Friends project.
EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY Evocative post-rock band from Texas that will either leave you weeping on the floor or feeling like you can (and will) conquer the world. See Calendar Pick on p. 20.
THOR AND FRIENDS Indie-rock mainstay Thor Harris performs with his band.
EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY Evocative post-rock band from Texas that will either leave you weeping on the floor or feeling like you can (and will) conquer the world. See Calendar Pick on p. 20.
THOR AND FRIENDS Indie-rock mainstay Thor Harris performs with his band.