Tickets for famed humor writer David Sedaris' only reading in Georgia as part of an international tour for his new book Theft by Finding sold out within minutes—Sedaris insisted on holding it in the bookstore rather than a larger location—but Avid will broadcast it live under a tent on the lawn of Henrietta Apartments, so fans can still hear the experience. A “block party” on the lawn featuring a Condor Chocolates pop-up will run from 9 p.m. until late into the evening, and Sedaris will sign books for those waiting outside—but get there early, as the second signing is first-come, first-served. Attendees are encouraged to wear costumes inspired by their favorite Sedaris stories.
(Five Points) David Sedaris will sign copies of his new book after the ticketed (and sold out) reading. See Calendar Pick on p. 15.