Though the list of active Athens metal bands is small, our proximity to the heavy-music mecca of Atlanta means there is a fair amount of crossover in terms of both sound and personnel. The Athens Summer Slam event brings four bands together for a night of extreme sounds at the Caledonia Lounge, which has become a home base of sorts for the tight-knit local scene. Saturday’s concert doubles as a CD release show for Ashes of Anthemusa, the pummeling new record from Athens-based tech-metal group Jet Engine Dragons. The headliners will be joined by dark local groovers Guillotine, Atlanta sludge-rock act Undead Viking Mafia and blackened doom-metal outfit Overwhelmed.
JET ENGINE DRAGONS Local band playing a blend of shoegaze, progressive rock and technical metal. See Calendar Pick on p. 14.
UNDEAD VIKING MAFIA Atlanta-based sludge-metal outfit.
GUILLOTINE Sludgy local death-metal band with black-metal influences.
OVERWHELMED Black- and doom-metal group from Atlanta.