For 34 years, experimental composer Al Margolis has performed and recorded as If, Bwana—aka “It’s Funny, But We Are Not Amused”—making him not only an elder statesmen of noise music but also one of the genre’s most influential figures. As the proprietor of tape labels Pogus Productions and Sound of Pig Music, he has released work by a list of avant-garde godheads that includes Pauline Oliveros, Alvin Lucier and Jim O’Rourke. Margolis plays Go Bar Thursday with international boundary-pusher Jason Kahn, as well as ongoing local concern The Electric Nature. Stick around afterwards for Dr. Fred’s weekly karaoke happening to witness the strange confluence of noise nerds and night owls.
IF, BWANA Experimental project formed by influential noise composer Al Margolis. See Calendar Pick on p. 12.
THE ELECTRIC NATURE Athens-based experimental drone and noise-rock outfit.
JASON KAHN Experimental vocal artist based in Zurich, Switzerland.