Based on the classic 1911 novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, the musical adaptation of The Secret Garden, created by playwright and lyricist Marsha Norman and composer Lucy Simon, premiered on Broadway in 1991. Directed by Lucy Haskill, with musical direction by Nathan Trivers, the Town and Gown Players production tells the story of Mary (Brooke Costigan and Charlee Bragg), a 10-year old girl who returns to England as an orphaned survivor of a cholera pandemic in India. Living at the estate of her uncle (Cole Dziedzic), who is grief-stricken by the loss of his wife (Emma Robertson), Mary finds comfort through the discovery of her late aunt’s locked garden.
Ten-year-old Mary returns to England, leaving the only home she's ever known in India, as an orphaned survivor of the cholera pandemc. Her hermit uncle's secluded estate is filled with grief, but Mary's discovery of her late aunt's garden changes everything. Presented by the Town & Gown Players. See Calendar Pick on p. 16.