On Stage’s newest production drops in on the creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky all-American goth family, the Addamses. Based on the popular cartoons and TV series, the musical comedy centers around daughter Wednesday (Evie Combs), who has invited her very normal boyfriend, Lucas (Brock Cantrell), and his parents (Paula Gerhardt and Benjamin Taukersley), to have dinner with her parents, Morticia (Felicity Combs) and Gomez (Daniel Hawkins). Housed inside the historic Monroe Primitive Baptist Church, built in 1910, the On Stage playhouse is located a quick half-hour away from downtown Athens. Performances will be held on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.
On Stage Walton presents The Addams Family, a musical comedy based on the popular cartoons and TV series.
On Stage Walton presents The Addams Family, a musical comedy based on the popular cartoons and TV series.
On Stage Walton presents The Addams Family, a musical comedy based on the popular cartoons and TV series.
On Stage Walton presents The Addams Family, a musical comedy based on the popular cartoons and TV series.
On Stage Walton presents The Addams Family, a musical comedy based on the popular cartoons and TV series.
On Stage Walton presents The Addams Family, a musical comedy based on the popular cartoons and TV series.
On Stage Walton presents The Addams Family, a musical comedy based on the popular cartoons and TV series.