It’s been 23 years since Kevin Barnes started writing sweetly skewed, brightly hued pop songs as of Montreal, the local band that bridged the gap between Elephant 6’s mottled psychedelia and Kindercore’s sunny dance music. Barnes has explored countless styles and cycled through bandmates since, though of Montreal’s showy stage productions have remained a constant. The current lineup, which features Yip Deceiver’s Davey Pierce and Nicolas Dobbratz, is a lean, electro-soaked machine, as heard on last year’s White Is Relic/Irrealis Mood. Local pop standout Locate S,1 and Atlanta drag-punks Material Girls share the Halloween bill.
OF MONTREAL Long-running local psych-pop group known for its outlandish stage presence. See Calendar Pick on p. 14.
LOCATE S,1 Local experimental pop group led by songwriter Christina Schneider.
MATERIAL GIRLS Gender-bending glam-punk band from Atlanta.