Photo Credit: NickelEdge Photography
Sure, the first time is mindblowing, but even if you’ve seen their schtick a hundred times, it never really gets old. Athens math-rock supergroup Bit Brigade has built a rabid following among nerds nationwide by performing meticulous, metal-infused covers of NES soundtracks while expert gamer Noah McCarthy speedruns the titles simultaneously on stage. The Bit boys are back at their Caledonia home base Friday evening to perform the music of “Mega Man III,” and don’t think about missing it—the group says it may be the last time it plays that particular game here in town. Atlanta post-hardcore band Thousandaire and local chaos creators Waltz will offer their loving support.
BIT BRIGADE Local supergroup plays the soundtrack to vintage video games while Noah McCarthy plays the games onstage. See Calendar Pick on p. 20.
THOUSANDAIRE Post-hardcore project from Atlanta.
WALTZ Athens-based rock group with a heavy, noisy sound.