I'm not gonna lie: I look forward to Thanksgiving dinner 364 days a year. It's not necessarily one particular component of the meal that gets me going; it's that for one magical day it's somehow okay to be a gross, degenerate glutton. So, I probably spend about one-third of my waking life daydreaming about cramming a bunch of stuff into my facehole and washing it down with buckets of gravy and pie and football and oh God I just started sweating.
But I disgustingly digress. If you're in need of a dish to bring to your fancy holiday gathering but find yourself at a loss, you're not alone, but you’re in luck. We asked a bunch of local musicians to share their favorite Turkey Day recipes. The most dangerously delicious-looking responses are linked below. [Gabe Vodicka]
Akeeme "DJ BlacqueStarr" Martin's Baked Mac & Cheese (Akeeme Martin, WUOG)
Dorothy Yearwood's Cheese Rounds (Matt Hudgins)
Barbe Family Holiday Relaxation Recipe (David Barbe, Chase Park Transduction)
Corn Pudding (Sienna Chandler, Monsoon)
Maple Pecan Muffins (Grant and Rachel Evans, Quiet Evenings)
Bartet Family Thanksgiving Tacos (Jace Bartet, Reptar)
Curried Pumpkin Soup (Claire Campbell, Hope for Agoldensummer)
The Rodney Kings' Special Green Bean Casserole (The Rodney Kings)