January 25, 2012

Blind By Sight

Blind By Sight

Music like this deserves a step-by-step analysis. This seven-track record begins with an intro titled “Intro,” wherein a thunderclap leads into random bits of sound effects before rising to a sharpened pitch. Then it slams into “Break,” during which, Blind by Sight does its best version of funky, 1990s loud-quiet-loud metal characterized in the real world by Korn and mid-period Metallica. Having developed a taste for it, the band decides on a second helping of Korn on “The Struggle Within” and makes sure the point is made by putting that weird, glassy effect—the one that sounds sort of like underwater bells—on the lead guitar. “Chains of Strength” is the "let's slow it down a little bit and show our sensitive side" fourth number. “Your Light” is the loud, whiny love song that's either about God or a girlfriend, but there's no lyric sheet, so that's gonna remain a mystery. Bonus aspect: there's a ting-ting-ting cymbal curiosity that crops up in places where more famous bands might have put a cowbell. “Recourse” is a slow throbber of a tune whose only conceivable goal is to beat the listener while s/he's down. Then there's “The Letter” which starts slowly, then goes into a predictably indecipherable and bombastic chorus, then slows down again. Album closer “Home” is a slow piano-based song about love and such. Neighborhood bar-and-grill rock never had it so bland.
