May 9, 2012

Threats & Promises

Music News and Gossip

On the Road Again and Again: Lera Lynn has a whole mess of stuff happening. After an already busy April, she is heading off on tour again. In the off times, she'll be holed up in the studio with her band finishing a new LP that's due out in the fall. In July, she'll take off for a nine-date tour of the U.K. (including slots at the SummerTyne Americana Festival, the Southern Fried Festival and the Cambridge Folk Festival) and in August she'll play 13 dates with K.D. Lang. She's got her new two-track Ring of Fire EP available for free download over at, so head over there and grab that while looking for more info. Lera Lynn next plays locally on June 14 at the Melting Point.

Have a Cigar: Luke Johnson is now doing A&R work for Athens label Mazarine Records. He says he's mainly scouting “forward-thinking” rock bands at this point and will consider all submissions carefully. As one of the heads behind the continuously collaborative Emergent Heart project, though, he's always open to new friendships with musicians, and even if your stuff isn't right for the label, your skills might be perfect for Emergent Heart. For more information, or to submit material, just drop Johnson a line via [email protected]. He's a peach of a guy, so don't be all nervous or anything. Just write to him. For more information on Mazarine, please see And for more info on Emergent Heart, please see


Bleating Heats: Clean your ears out for a night of supreme improvisation Saturday, May 12. Low Yo Yo Stuff Records is presenting a show at Flicker Theatre & Bar featuring trumpeter Peter Evans and saxophonist Travis Laplante (Little Women, Extra Life), both of New York City and each highly respected and heavily contributing members of the avant-garde community. Laplante is touring behind his album Heart Protector (sample it at Also on the bill this night are Dan Nettles (Kenosha Kid) and Brooklyn's Thomas Crane, Jeremy Lamanno and Chris Deason (each of Garbage Island) and Killick. The show is technically free, but if you stick around and enjoy it, you should throw some bucks into the donation jar like a decent human being. For more information, go bug 'em at Low Yo Yo Stuff. They'll be glad you did!

Bandarchy in the GA: It took about 11 months in the kitchen, but Werewolves finally released its new album, Georgia, last week. Although the focal point of Werewolves has always been Wyatt Strother (he's the frontman, and these are his songs, after all), the music itself has a whole host of Athens micro-indie luminaries. To wit, this album includes contributions from Brian Veysey, Dena Zilber, Emily Armond, Lydia Brambila, Patrick Goral, Raoul de la Cruz, Sam Grindstaff and Jay Henriques. Although some are longtime contributors to Werewolves, they also represent El Hollín, Crun Pun, Titans of Filth, Sea of Dogs and more. It's easily the best arranged and most fully realized release from Strother and Co. Werewolves will play Bloomington, IN's Plan-It-X Fest this June and will, presumably, play some shows on the road there and back, too. You can stream all of Georgia over at and download the whole thing for a minimum contribution of one dollar. Oh, don't believe for a second that it was mere coincidence that this album was released on May Day, either. That's just the sort of thing Strother goes in for.

Book Your Own Life: There have been a couple of instances that I'm aware of in the past few weeks where bands were upset that their event or show wasn't included in the Flagpole Calendar. The fact is that upcoming events are not always submitted by the hosting venue, and if your show is happening at a nontraditional or otherwise under-utilized space, the chances of them getting it together and letting us know are basically nil. You can save yourself a lot of teeth-gnashing by using our handy online submission form located at The last item on the drop-down menu under “Calendar & Bulletin Board” is a link that says “Submit Your Event.” And that's all ya gotta do! This feature has been available for a long time, so bookmark it and use it. If you're worried about doubling up, just ask your hosting venue if they've submitted your show. Submissions are also welcome via email; just send your listing to [email protected]. We want to see your events in the Calendar as much as you do, and it can all happen with just a few easy clicks.
