Hello again, everybody. As I'm typing this, it's all rainy and a bit cold, and it sort of feels like fall has fallen. But we both know that's not the case, even though I hope you've all had the decency to pack away your white clothes. While we're still gonna sweat it out for another several weeks, there's no reason at all to do this at home. Go see something. Here are some things right here…
It's All Going to Be OK: Frustration and hilarity ensued a couple of weeks ago when something went wonky with the Drive By Truckers' email list. Apparently, all emails sent to the list were received by everyone who had ever subscribed to it. The result? Tons of people received hundreds of emails from people requesting to be unsubscribed, insane people threatening to visit violence upon the band after “reporting [them] to the authorities” and one person joking he would throw himself off Lookout Mountain. All in all, most folks had a lot of fun with it. But the party poopers in the Truckers organization have stopped all that, deleting the list entirely. And, as if adding an unintentional punchline to the whole affair, they now say that any questions should be directed to [email protected]. All this notwithstanding, DBT's Patterson Hood sent out a sweet apology email with links to recordings of the band's two most recent Athens shows. Download 'em at southernshelter.com/category/drive-by-truckers.
Steven Trimmer
Now Stream This: Longtime Athens musician and songwriter Steven Trimmer has seen his profile rise to unprecedented heights by virtue of his membership in new-ish favorites Grass Giraffes. This seems to have spurred a new era of creativity for him, too, as he's been posting his personal recordings basically nonstop for the past six weeks or so. Credited mostly to Glasscrafts, these tracks are among the most goosebump-inducing, heavy indie-guitar tunes in recent Athens history. Trimmer's just a wellspring of songs right now, so go drink deep over at soundcloud.com/steventrimmer/tracks.
First to Last: This past week I was checking out the upcoming events presented by the UGA Performing Arts Center and was completely confused, as the listing seemed to jump around all willy-nilly. Then I realized the events were listed alphabetically, not chronologically. I realize that chronology is a lot to ask from a calendar, so I'll shoulder the blame for this one. At any rate, there's a lot of really great things coming up, including the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra (Nov. 4 & Feb. 24), Blue Man Group (Nov. 6 & 7), Itzhak Perlman (Dec. 9), Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra (Nov. 1), Tokyo String Quartet (Feb. 21) and the State Ballet Theatre of Russia performing Cinderella (Jan. 15 & 16). Catching performances of this caliber on campus is one of the great benefits of living in Athens, so count your blessings and check out pac.uga.edu for more information.
Take the Chance: The Georgia Museum of Art wins my heart this month. On Thursday, Sept. 20, from 7–9 p.m., it will present three films documenting different aspects of Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.)'s 1966 event 9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering. This event, held at New York City's 69th Regiment Armory, was a historic collaboration between 10 New York-based artists and 30 engineers from Bell Telephone Laboratories. It was nothing short of completely groundbreaking and, thankfully, it was preserved on film. The three features to be presented are David Tudor's Bandoneon! (A Combine), Robert Rauschenberg’s Open Score and John Cage’s Variations VII. These films are presented in collaboration with the exhibit "New York Collection for Stockholm," which itself was curated by E.A.T. organizers from 1971–1973. GMOA's Pierra Daura Curator of European Art, Lynn Boland, will host a half-hour talk before the films begin. Don't miss this. For more information, please see georgiamuseum.org, and for deep background check 9evenings.org.
This Is What You Need: DJ Pommerville is back in Athens and singing again for supreme thrashers Gripe. The band is working on a new record and expects it to be ready to go in the coming weeks. In a public service announcement, the band said, “Gripe has officially begun preparations for our soul-crushing, darkest, most vile and disgusting album to date. DJ once again joins the band to drink away the pain with his cancer-ridden vocals. More blast beats, even more dead cop songs, more destructive riffs.” Now, ain't that something? Keep up to date via facebook.com/gripecore.
This-N-That: Muuy Biien is slated to release a 7-inch with Mike Turner's Happy Happy Birthday to Me Records (HHBTM). No word yet on a date, but you can count on it happening… Bambara continues to imprint its thumbprint on Athens, even though it went all New York. The band debuted a new track a couple of weeks back, and it's pretty sweet. Dig it at soundcloud.com/impose-magazine-streams/bambara-all-the-same. Meanwhile, Bambara drummer Blaze Bateh has been gettin' his comedy on with a new YouTube series called "The Blaze & Alex Show." Unlike most things on the internet, it's actually pretty funny. Watch all six episodes at facebook.com/BLAZEANDALEX.