KNOCKIN’ ON WINTER’S DOOR: Back in May, singer-songwriter Thayer Sarrano performed a very special show with some key additional players. The full lineup included Sarrano, William Kissane, Jeremy Raj, Keiko Ishibashi, Serena Scibelli and Luca Lombardi. Sound was handled by Georgia Theatre engineer David Hanna, and the recording was mixed and mastered by Andy LeMaster and Jason NeSmith, respectively. The result is the near-perfect live record Acoustic Chamber Live From the Georgia Theatre. Although it only runs for six tracks—including a cover of Leonard Cohen’s “If It Be Your Will”—it’s a pretty dang good moment that all involved captured here. Sarrano’s star has been on a steady rise for a good while now, and she next performs locally at Nowhere Bar on Saturday, Nov. 17. This smoky collection of slow-burning gems may well be something people talk about when they say “remember when…” Check it out at
DARK WATER: The new album from long-running death-rock/post-punk group Tears for the Dying came out last month. It’s titled Charon, and it’s a wallopingly tasty set of keenly structured tunes totally reminiscent of late-’70s to mid-’80s guitar-driven black celebrations. Headed by founding member Adria Stembridge (The Girl Pool)—who was one of the very few propagating this sound during a time when Athens had absolutely zero time for it—the whole record is steeped in deep knowledge of, and appreciation for, the original go-to groups for this stuff, like Christian Death, TSOL, 45 Grave, et al. Over the past year or so, Tears for the Dying has been gigging steadily around town, and word on the street is there might be some new, industry-type moves in store for them. So, get in on the ground floor at and
GO ASK ALICE: White Rabbit Collective has put together what’s being billed as an “art party and open jam” at the 40 Watt Club Saturday, Nov. 17. Member Nick Bradfield reports there’s also a potluck dinner-type situation happening this night. The show is free if you bring something, or a mere five bucks if you don’t. Also appearing are special-event performances from clown troupe Thunder Dreamers and local band The Family Recipe. White Rabbit Collective will present what Bradfield describes as “a shortened and revised version of [our] album Metamorphosis,” and there’ll also be some pick-up jams happening on the floor between sets onstage. In true WRC fashion, there’s some planned live painting with artist Katie Baba and lots of spinning LED lights, etc. Normally, this isn’t the kind of thing I go in for at all. But White Rabbit Collective—as a band and project—is just so damn good at what it does and is so totally dialed in that I pretty much trust it to lead the way. Get up to speed at and
OLD TIME RELIGION: All you ancient garage-punk types in Athens—well, some of you, anyway—may remember The Squirts. Time was, back in the late ’90s, this Clemson, SC/Athens crew was nearly guaranteed to show up, argue with each other, rock out and drink every beer around. If this tickles your fancy, you’ll be edified to know that Gypsy Farm Records maestro Zeke Sayer is putting on a Squirts re-reunion at Flicker Theatre and Bar Friday, Nov. 16. As a special treat, attendees will be treated to a screening of the Michael Hayes-shot documentary Beer Saved My Life, which covers the band’s initial reunion in 2002 and subsequent implosion. It was partly shot in Athens, too. For more information, see
HOUSEBOAT BABIES: Word just came through that Reptar is playing back-to-back gigs in Athens (Caledonia Lounge) and Atlanta (Terminal West), Dec. 22–23. In Atlanta, they’re appearing with Material Girls, and in Athens, they’ll be joined by Breathers and Double Ferrari. Tickets for Atlanta are on sale now, and you can get up to speed at These shows are in celebration of the band’s 10th anniversary, which seems like, whoa, but hell, time marches on.