You may have noticed that City Dope in print has been longer than usual the past couple of weeks. That's because so many things are happening in town that for too long have gone unmentioned in Flagpole—including business news, which in some cases affects our readers' lives more than what goes on in the commission chamber. After all, it's City Dope, not City Hall Dope. So we are launching a new section that will highlight what's going on with local businesses and nonprofits that act like businesses. (And by the way, if you're someone who's opening or closing or moving a business, drop us a line.)
The Athens Downtown Development Authority is offering shoppers (everyone, actually) free parking in the College Avenue and West Washington Street decks Friday, Nov. 29 and Saturday, Nov. 30. And thanks to a grant from American Express, parking in 250 spaces on Clayton and Broad streets and in between will also be free on Small Business Saturday Nov. 30. (Too bad you won't get to use those snazzy new meters, am I right?) It'll be just like going to Walmart, except not.
The League of American Bicyclists gave Daily Groceries Co-op a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Business Award for having a bike repair stand and air pump in front of the store. The co-op also handed out sandwiches and coffee to commuters on National Bike to Work Day. Now if we could only get bike lanes on Prince Avenue.
The Athens Land Trust's West Broad Farmers Market is expanding its hours to 10 a.m.–3 p.m. for a holiday market Saturday, Dec. 7.
Gabe Wardell is stepping down as Cine's first executive director Jan. 2. He successfully spearheaded a fundraising campaign to convert the theater to digital projection, but has also been commuting from Atlanta. The nonprofit theater's board is searching for a new director.
Lou Kregel (of chrysanthemum fame) is painting the Atlanta Highway Habitat for Humanity ReStore bright shades of green and blue—a little color for a drab stretch of suburbia.
Verdae Skin Therapy, which makes and sells soaps lotions and candles, closed in 2012 after nine years but has now re-opened at 130 Ware St.
Dollar General has submitted plans to ACC for a new store on Whitehall Road. They won't rest until there's one on every street corner in Athens.