April 1, 2016

CCSD's Charter District Application Has Been Approved

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After nearly a year’s wait. the state school board has approved Clarke County School District’s application to become a charter district.

The application had been held up by several issues—most notably a dispute with the state over governance of CCSD’s career academy—but those issues have now been ironed out.

Becoming a charter district—not to be confused with charter schools—means CCSD will receive about $1 million in additional funding, as well as freedom from some state rules. In becoming a charter district, CCSD agrees to meet certain standards in exchange for flexibility in how it achieves those goals. Areas where the district will gain flexibility include teacher certification and evaluation. Emphasis will be placed on literacy, access to technology and college and career readiness.

Some decisions on how goals are met will be made by new school governance teams made up of principals, parents, teachers, police officers and other community members that will replace existing school councils that serve in an advisory capacity. 
