October 12, 2018

Deal Endorses Houston Gaines for State House

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Gov. Nathan Deal endorsed Republican Houston Gaines for state House District 117 today, saying "Gaines is the only candidate in the race who can deliver results for northeast Georgia and maintain our strong business climate."

Gaines is running against state Rep. Deborah Gonzalez (D-Athens), who beat him in a special election last year. The seat had previously been held by Republicans since it was redrawn in 2012 but is now a swing district.

From the Gaines campaign:

“For Georgia to remain the No. 1 state for business, we need leaders like Houston Gaines in the State House working to make a real difference,” said Deal. “Focused on improving our local business climate, building a skilled and educated workforce, and keeping our communities safe, Houston is the only candidate in this race ready to fight for your priorities. I am proud to support his candidacy and encourage you to cast your vote for Houston Gaines.”
Gaines said Deal’s record of success – which includes creating almost 700,000 new jobs, cutting taxes, fully funding K-12 education and saving the HOPE scholarship  will pay dividends for our state for generations to come.

“In just eight years, Governor Deal has rapidly expanded Georgia’s economy and delivered real results for families in our community. I am honored to have his endorsement not only because of his success in office but also because he’s a man of honor who has served our state with dignity and respect,” said Gaines. “The families in Barrow, Clarke, Jackson and Oconee counties are ready for real leadership at the local level to bring more jobs, lower taxes, better education and safer communities to our district. Like Governor Deal, I believe results speak louder than words, and I intend to deliver the leadership this region needs to grow and prosper.”
It might seem like a dog-bites-man story for a Republican to endorse another Republican, but to my knowledge Gaines is the only House candidate Deal has gone out of his way to endorse. The governor is popular across the political spectrum, so the endorsement could give Gaines a boost headed into Nov. 6.
