Gov. Nathan Deal speaks to Athens Republicans at The Melting Point. Photo credit: Blake Aued.
Even though state legislators failed to pass a bill legalizing a form of medical marijuana that, alas, won't get you high, Gov. Nathan Deal is considering moving forward with clinical trials.
Deal told an Athens GOP meeting at The Melting Point today that he is talking to the state pharmaceutical board, composite medical board and the state medical school, Georgia Regents University in Augusta, about experimenting on volunteers with cannabinoid oil, a marijuana-derived compound that could be effective in treating seizures and other medical conditions.
Don't expect Georgia to join the ranks of states like California and Colorado, where marijuana is legal or all but legal. "This is not something we want to open the floodgates on," Deal said. "It has to be done in a very controlled manner."
If the trials were successful, the General Assembly could take up medical marijuana again. "It will lay the foundation for us to do something legislatively in future sessions," he said.
Until then, you could just buy it online.