January 5, 2014

Mayor Denson Raises $18,000 for Re-election Bid

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Mayor Nancy Denson has raised almost $18,000 for her re-election campaign so far.

Denson's campaign finance disclosure has not shown up on the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission website, so we don't know yet who is contributing to her campaign. Challenger Tim Denson hasn't filed a disclosure yet (the deadline is Jan. 8), and Ryan Berry hasn't even filed as an official candidate.

Denson also announced her campaign brain trust. Houston Gaines is managing the campaign, taking the place of John Eric Schleicher, her grandson, who ran it in 2010. Todd Krohn is treasurer, and Dan Maxey is the publicity chairman.

Here's the full news release from Team Nancy:

Athens, Ga--Athens-Clarke County Mayor Nancy Denson’s reelection campaign filed its year-end campaign contribution disclosure report with $17,716.11 in total contributions to date despite having not yet held a campaign fundraiser.

The report, filed to Georgia’s Government Transparency and Campaign Commission, indicates that Denson has raked in numerous small and large donations.

“When I added the numbers, I was pleasantly surprised. But to be honest, I really haven’t been able to focus much on the campaign,” Mayor Denson said.

“I have been so busy at work that I just haven’t been able to put much of any time into campaigning. Fortunately, I have many generous supporters who have allowed me to focus on my job as mayor.”

With Election Day being May 20, Denson’s campaign team will begin going into full gear. Recently announced campaign manager Houston Gaines, treasurer Todd Krohn and publicity chair Dan Maxey said that the mayor would continue to focus on her job, and the three staffers would work with others to spearhead her reelection efforts.

“The campaign team will be in close contact with Mayor Denson, but she has a job to do—one that she is extremely good at doing,” Gaines said. “As proven by the campaign’s recent financial disclosure, Nancy has incredible support from the community. She has garnered that support by being mayor, not by campaigning.

“We are confident that Athens will once again rally around Nancy. She has proven herself to be both an approachable leader and forwarder thinker. She knows what Athens needs, and the campaign team will work hard to ensure Nancy four more years.”
