October 15, 2014

Michelle Nunn: Raise Minimum Wage, Stop Pell Cuts

Michelle Nunn City Hall web.jpg

Photo Credit: Blake Aued

Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn, after voting early in Adamsville, stopped by Athens City Hall this afternoon for a rally on her way to a fundraiser at The Hill.

Nunn touted a new poll giving her a slight lead over Republican nominee David Perdue and urged supporters to vote early. As she's done throughout the campaign, Nunn contrasted her views on education and her background as a nonprofit executive with Perdue's.

"I hope that we can do things in this election and as a senator that will actually affect people's lives," Nunn told about 75 supporters. "That's why I'm doing this, and that's why I think people are excited, whether it's raising the minimum wage or whether it's ensuring that all of our college students have an affordable pathway to college.

David Perdue has said he's for eradicating the (federal) Department of Education. So if you just want to look at one specific contrast, one specific thing that would make a difference, that's just for instance $1.1 billion worth of Pell grants that go to 400,000 Georgia students. That would mean eradication of those grants."

(Perdue has actually said he favors returning that money to the states in the form of block grants.)

Here's Nunn's response to Perdue's latest ad, released today, that targets female voters:

"I think he is trying to get away from the fact that, over the last number of days, the majority of the stories have been around his acknowledging that he spent the majority of his career outsourcing, so I think he is trying to change the subject there.

"I clearly would then like to ask him and the women that were in the ad—let's talk about women's issues as it relates to the minimum wage. Seventy percent of the people on minimum wage are women, so why don't you favor lifting the minimum wage? Why don't you favor pay equity legislation that would ensure that women would be paid equally? They're paid 81 cents, on average, on the dollar [compared] to men."
